Conquer The Day

I’m on the precipice of a breakthrough. I know this because several people in my life who are working through their own traumas have found ways to signify, subliminally or intentionally, that they see changes in me. Perhaps it’s the retrograde, my recent commitments to a healthier lifestyle, a better focus on my business, or just a general desire to have everything in alignment. Either way, I’m proud of how clearly I’ve recognized these roadblocks as they’ve appeared. Even more, I’ve been able to moderate my responses because I’m now drawn to a higher purpose that I’ve been working toward internally. My external self will reflect this hard work.

The first instance was a friend calling me with trepidation because I spoke to a mutual friend about a business opportunity. He seemed threatened because it diminished his value in the conversation. It’s something that’s been glaring for a while now, but I love him and will continue to support his endeavors and be great friends with him. I just need to change how I maneuver around him, knowing he has those sensitivities.

The second instance is with a young lady I’ve been intimate with in the past. We’ve remained friends, though we have quite different lifestyles. She’s a smart and talented person, very well-connected and a social light of sorts, who still dabbles in vices that I’d rather not concern myself with. Part of my old muscle memory and habits leaned into the way we used to communicate and connect, but this evolving person I am becoming can weigh the strengths and weaknesses of involving myself at her behest. Today we’re supposed to hang out, but I think I’ll raincheck it to remain focused on the ultimate task at hand for the day.

The third instance is with a family member who I truly believe loves me and is proud of me, but who is dealing with their own issues personally and professionally and is stubborn to boot. This tapped into childlike emotions for me when we got into a dispute earlier, mostly because I’ve tried so hard to explain what I’m selling with my business. It’s frustrating when dealing with someone who would likely be more of a competitor than not. I love my family and understand that connection runs way deeper than a dispute, so I have been able to remain passionate about what I’m doing, expressing pure love even when there are discrepancies in logic.

I used to believe that what will be will be, but I also think that phrasing it that way diminishes my role in making that reality happen. What I do now is focus purely on internal development that resonates into external successes, realizing that there is no finish line and that success is truly a muscle to be maintained, toned, sculpted, and prepared for the next adventure. With that, we conquer the day.


The fly guy from Chicago, IL.

Remember The Dream


Blue Super Moon